Saturday, February 28, 2015


I once was interested in the website that promises to link me with my classmates from the 1970’s, but now that I think about it not so much. I was born and raised in The Bronx [NYC] there so many kids in my high school for one, and I was a loner for two, so it would be hard pressed to remember a lot of people. Not to mention how much weight I have gained lost, gained, lost, gained again. Then there are the guys, jocks, who muscles that have sagged or went bald with the beer belly.
Let me place a disclaimer: I am grateful to be alive, I am thankful to see anyone who is still on earth walking among us with me. Any day above ground is a good day!
Back to today’s rant:
I for one do not recognize anyone from that era, four years, from the 1970’s for that matter. Maybe in a smaller town this idea of a reunion is a good thing but growing up in NYC, with different neighborhoods attending the same school would be hard to remember the prom king and queen [if we had one]. So when I get these email alerts saying “do you remember___?” or “someone says you were an athlete!” I’m thinking “not so fast!”.  For one I did not want to attend my graduation and was awaken by my father to attend my own graduation. I felt I had graduated from indentured servitude form school and now it was my time to do whatever I wanted being 18 and all and never looked back.
Somehow, today, these ads have a haunting effect. Reminding me of that time in my life I was on a cusp. I was between childhood and legal adulthood being able to make decisions without parental permission or adult supervision.
I lost both my class ring and graduation book and looked for the publisher and ring makers. I found a jeweler, but the publisher only goes back to the 1980’s. [Go figure]


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