Tuesday, July 16, 2013


I want you to remember, this is America. This Nation was built on the backs of minorities, disenfranchised non-whites. Is OUR history. Our history of racism ,economic inequality, that any ethic group had to deal with at one time or another in American history. The Irish had to fight, the Italians, to name a few,had to fight when they migrated to this country in the beginning. African Americans had to fight, and have to still fight one way or another today.
                I can only speak from my point of view when I say I will never be surprised at the racism in my country. My people have recent history horror stories that never get published, but are true just the same. The teenager that got killed was a tragic incident. The man that pulled that trigger had a “reality check” in that moment and got scared, and fired, no “knuckle game”. Sad but true. Maybe the shooter had an upbringing where he was taught {money can buy whatever you want}.
 America is pre-occupied with the “right to bear arms”, and the “right to marry whom I want, what about this nation’s oldest sin of racism….
My opinion, feel free to add yours {This is America after all} …ONE LOVE