Sunday, July 31, 2016

Celebration of a Gospel Musical Genius

..”The late Rev. James Cleveland entrusted Sir Alonzo Atkins to direct The Southern California Community Choir as well as The GMWA Mass Choir. His working the Gospel Industry spans for over 6 decades. This current project takes us back to a time when choir music was an integral part of The Church expression! ”..
He has worked with Aretha Franklin; Min. Shirley Caesar; Edwin Hawkins; Elton John; James Brown from NYC to California to name a few. It has been an honor to sit under your direction as a “lazy-tenor” for the past 5 years at New Life Fellowship Center Charlotte under Pastor John P. Kee God Bless you and thank you. May this album soar to new heights.
We love Sir Alonzo Atkins

Friday, July 29, 2016

Peach Dumplings

My favorite. Please call me when it is hot and ready!

Can you guess my Ancestry dna results?

I found her story very interesting.

Drilling Holes and Gluing Gems on Seashells | Liz Kreate

I luv her work. Liz Kreate inspires me to go out of my comfort zone when it come to jewelry making. The next time I'm on the beach, I will look at the sand a little differently to see how I can be inspired.

My Neanderthal DNA and Ancestry Results

Another "survival proof" of evolution isolation of different species .

When Neanderthals and Modern Humans Meet

I find this subject very interesting. I do believe we as humans come from different types of evolution homo sapiens. Today's people are a living example of "survival of the fittest.

New DNA Science Research Confirms... Jews Are Not Descendants of Abraham.

Another video on the subject of "who belongs where?"

The Real Truth About "god's chosen people"!

When you have time I want to pose an answer to and age old question "Where did I come from?" The African-American; Afro-American; Colored; Negro.
There will be more discussions on this topic in the near future. 

DNA Reveal show with Rock Newman

I personally find this very interesting because our community has lost so much in written documentation, but we carry a story in our DNA where the truth is undisputed.

Auntie Fee & Daym Drops chicken tenders part 2


These two will brighten up your spirits in the kitchen. I wish "they" would give them a show together!


This an American story I stumbled on while surfing the web. The fact that she was born "outside of wedlock" is a story a great number of people are familiar with but she was of mixed race. Being a love product of unaccepted society, she is a well rounded soul in my opinion.
June Cross story is one like many who comes from a time when it was unacceptable to have mixed marriages. She was hidden in plan sight in society and grew up with views from both sides of the family in the early 1960's which was a difficult time during the civil rights movement.

 I truly enjoyed this movie and hope you will too.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

#Childhood #Pasttime.


 Today’s rant is brought to you by most of my junk mail in my physical U.S. postal mailbox.
Enough with the advertisements of “lower” interest rates. I’m not buying into any of it!
A few years ago I had a HSBC credit card, it had a $500.00 limit. I paid most of it off through online payments. There was a balance of $200.00 or so left. When Capitol took over the account it was near impossible to log in to pay the bill. If you wanted to call the payment in, they wanted to charge you $10.00!! %^&** Needless to say my balance grew to $700.00
I eventually paid it off and vowed never to open another account with them again.
They don’t get the message. NO NO NO THANK YOU..
Today more mail; at least three or four times a week in my mailbox, this garbage taking up space.
There should be a law like the telemarketers calling your home, stop with the junk mail.
I’ve tried the “Return-to-sender” and make them pay for the postage to no avail.
If you know a way please share..


Wednesday, July 20, 2016


I am not a racist. This another Public Service Announcement!
In this day and age, I cannot walk into an establishment without looking around, scoping the room to see if it will be a relatively safe encounter at this moment. This is my reality each and every day, two or three times per day, each time I get out of my cat or walk in.
This is the environment the white people created, period. The sitting in the back of the bus, not looking whites in the face or eye to eye. I am old enough to have witnessed these types of segregation to name a few. I still have the bitter taste in my mouth from the marches of the 1960’s and 1970’s. I know firsthand of the police brutality, the neighborhood gentrification at the expense of my community. From the “white-flight” to the mortgage bubble melt down [giving mortgages to unqualified whites]. I have lived all of this. I will, and have survived.
Today’s rant is the hatred of those racist white people. I HATE THEIR GUTS. Period.
There will be no “church forgiveness”. There will be no “kumbiyah swaying and holding hands, no for the thousand-th time another conversation about, anything. There is nothing to talk about anymore. White America knows what it has to do, for everybody! From the Native-First Nations [this includes Mexicans!] to the Original Hebrews that were stolen then sold from one exiled land to another.
Everywhere the Neanderthal offspring has gone, they have pillaged or “colonized” leave desolation in their departure. Today they’re scared. Scared that the “Millennials are not buying the ancestral bullshit of the past.
I was a little tyke when I saw Dr. Martin Luther King; a tween when I saw Malcolm X, worked at the 2012 Democratic Convention; I am here to witness the unraveling of AmeriKKKa as we know it. Get with the program and stop pushing an antiquated agenda of superior-vs-inferior humans. If you don’t think your racist; what color is vanilla?
I thought so…

Tuesday, July 12, 2016


Sooo, I'm sitting in the McDriveThru and it's taking way to long for the car in front of me to place a breakfast order. "2 griddle, 2 egg 2 coffee. Whyyy does it take this long to place this.  Then I get to the window u find out the problem.  I could've snatched another order and drive of. Then I realized who was at the window, maybe a high school student and her first job. Do I give her a hard time? Yup, sure did.  "Xan you please pull up by the door and wait for the coffee?". "NOPE" My answer. .
Do I feel better? "Yup" I remember when I was a teenager and had to figure out what the hell is going on. #LifeLessons #PartTimeJob