As I move through another phase in my life, my outlook on certain things have changed. The things that used to bother me don't. I am a student of life. Everyday there is a new class in session.
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
Thursday, December 1, 2016
Sunday, November 20, 2016
Friday, November 11, 2016
I've been in the south a bit too long. It took a few minutes to figure out how to pronounce this flavor. New Yorkers know my struggle. I blame some of my country neighbors.
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Growing up we girls used to spend a lot time in the winter months putting together puzzles. Different types of arts and crafts to occupy our brains so would not die from boredom.
A few years ago I taught one of my grands about the agony of pursuing completion with only a picture with broken pieces to put back together. For me, it was fun. Him not so much 😙
Vote 2016
Monday, November 7, 2016
Where I come from
Saturday, November 5, 2016
Friday, October 7, 2016
Wednesday, October 5, 2016
Friday, September 9, 2016
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Traditions, Labor Day
Monday, September 5, 2016
Mother Teresa is now Saint Teresa of Calcutta
Sunday, September 4, 2016
Remembering Grandmother Rosa ♥
Sunday, August 14, 2016
Saturday, August 13, 2016
Monday, August 8, 2016
Sunday, July 31, 2016
Celebration of a Gospel Musical Genius

Friday, July 29, 2016
Peach Dumplings
My favorite. Please call me when it is hot and ready!
Can you guess my Ancestry dna results?
I found her story very interesting.
Drilling Holes and Gluing Gems on Seashells | Liz Kreate
I luv her work. Liz Kreate inspires me to go out of my comfort zone when it come to jewelry making. The next time I'm on the beach, I will look at the sand a little differently to see how I can be inspired.
My Neanderthal DNA and Ancestry Results
Another "survival proof" of evolution isolation of different species .
When Neanderthals and Modern Humans Meet
I find this subject very interesting. I do believe we as humans come from different types of evolution homo sapiens. Today's people are a living example of "survival of the fittest.
New DNA Science Research Confirms... Jews Are Not Descendants of Abraham.
Another video on the subject of "who belongs where?"
The Real Truth About "god's chosen people"!
When you have time I want to pose an answer to and age old question "Where did I come from?" The African-American; Afro-American; Colored; Negro.
There will be more discussions on this topic in the near future.
DNA Reveal show with Rock Newman
I personally find this very interesting because our community has lost so much in written documentation, but we carry a story in our DNA where the truth is undisputed.
Auntie Fee & Daym Drops chicken tenders part 2
These two will brighten up your spirits in the kitchen. I wish "they" would give them a show together!
This an American story I stumbled on while surfing the web. The fact that she was born "outside of wedlock" is a story a great number of people are familiar with but she was of mixed race. Being a love product of unaccepted society, she is a well rounded soul in my opinion.
June Cross story is one like many who comes from a time when it was unacceptable to have mixed marriages. She was hidden in plan sight in society and grew up with views from both sides of the family in the early 1960's which was a difficult time during the civil rights movement.
I truly enjoyed this movie and hope you will too.
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Monday, July 25, 2016
Sunday, July 24, 2016
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Sooo, I'm sitting in the McDriveThru and it's taking way to long for the car in front of me to place a breakfast order. "2 griddle, 2 egg 2 coffee. Whyyy does it take this long to place this. Then I get to the window u find out the problem. I could've snatched another order and drive of. Then I realized who was at the window, maybe a high school student and her first job. Do I give her a hard time? Yup, sure did. "Xan you please pull up by the door and wait for the coffee?". "NOPE" My answer. .
Do I feel better? "Yup" I remember when I was a teenager and had to figure out what the hell is going on. #LifeLessons #PartTimeJob
Monday, July 11, 2016
Sunday, June 19, 2016
Rainbow of Hope
Rainbows of Hope provides housing resources, clothing, love,and support groups to women faced with unexpected pregnancies. This ministry gives back to the fatherless along with helping the brokenhearted. Services enclude: Baby Showers [group/individual]. Women prayer gatherings, motivational speaking, donation drives, baby basket giveaways , mother basket giveaways, mentoring, referrals, promote education.
A Charlotte "Save" helping others to choose life. If you know anyone who is contemplating an abortion please contact
rainbows of hopes
"Thanks for your continued efforts to support this ministry"...
Friday, June 17, 2016
Selfish Truck drivers
There is a car in front of this truck as well as it blocking 3lanes..?!?!?!
Its no joke when a "BigRig" is a part of any accident.
I'll wait...
No choice
Monday, June 13, 2016
Professor Jame Small: The History Of Christianity In Ancient Africa
In this day and time there is a need for religious reform. We as a people need to ask ourselves what is really important nowadays. There are no more shocking, disturbing news anymore, for the most part. There was ANOTHER mass shooting yet again and the only thing i could feel for is the each individual families who have lost a loved one. Empathy for sudden death, the agony of burring an adult child perhaps. The lack of common sense gun laws with pandering to special interest groups who's bottom line is about money.
My people, my community, the African American need to address our own issues right now. We have no culture, no language, nothing to separate from this on going oppression today. Where do we go today? The halls of higher learning? Churches? Synagogues? Mosques? I am a Christian by tradition, and this is failing my community today and has been for a very long time. During slavery it was a tool to control the masses with superstitions and promises of a better life in the here after. Today I implore you to take another look into our religious traditions and explore some of the origins that we hold so dear and see if it is worth revising.
I'm asking you to take time and list to Professor James Small, and start your own journey of questioning what was handed down for generations without asking.