Thursday, October 22, 2015


There comes a time in your life one has to make a decision of what really matters. Vice-President Joseph Biden made a decision that was right for him and his family.
I believed he would have been a great candidate for the Democratic Party. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would have lost in a land slide. Biden has the experience and the moxie to lead a fight for what is better for the middle class, working poor, and the poor who makes up 90% of the population of the United States of America.
There some people who fight well on paper, with facts and figures to back them up. There are some people who come out of the gate fighting for what they believe and there is a difference between the two, [between the two]. Who has the experience in politics for many years, has ran and wants the job.
If the Lady said “NO, I WILL NOT RUN” she didn’t want to run in the first place. When you make someone do what they don’t want to do, you’re looking for a “banged up” job. If you have children who you have told to go wash the dishes, you already know some of the dishes will be oily with food stuck on them, a really bad job. Like the guy at work one day who was told to hang the framed picture of the boss on the wall. When to boss came back he saw his picture with a nail through the forehead of the picture, nailed to the wall. Job done, not at all acceptable.
So to Vice-President Biden thank you for all you have done. The “take-no-crap”, Not-backing-down” maintaining America as the strong nation that other nations look up to. I prayer that your family continue to heal from the heartbreak.  There is no lose like a loss of a child and the media in this country can get very unfair, inaccurate and very nasty to say the least.  The other nations may hate us, but they watch very closely to what we do. Sometimes [we] have to mind out business and stay out of others.
God help US

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