Wednesday, June 27, 2018


  1. 1.
    information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.
    "he was charged with distributing enemy propaganda"
    Stop letting the media turn your common sense into a twisted version of reality. You know your 'neighbors'. You have been getting along for several years. In this recent political toxic environment you have become  an ass. AMERICA is a nation made up of different nationalities and peoples. Since the pilgrims landed there have been: stolen land; slavery; discrimination to name a few. Let us not act like our fore fathers did not endure any of the insanity that is going on today. "they came here legally" Really?!? There was Ellis island and that horror where Jews, Italians, Greeks, etc; I have no first hand stories from my family. 
  2. Some of my people were stolen, others were here when the Europeans got here. Nevertheless let us not be so quick to chime in on the blatant racism that is the flavor of the day. At no time it should be okay for children to be exasperated from their families. 'Oh' its the law'...

Remember slavery was a law and the local police was created to catch and return human property in the great nation, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
Unless you are a WASP you should be ashamed of yourself.
[White Anglo-Saxon Protestant] 


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