This is the
face of Brown-vs-The Bd of Education of 1954. Her family was a part of a class
action lawsuit to outlaw segregation based on skin color.
'Linda Brown
was born on February 20, 1942, in Topeka, Kansas. Because she was forced to
travel a significant distance to elementary school due to racial segregation,
her father was one of the plaintiffs in the case of Brown v. Board of
Education, with the Supreme Court ruling in 1954 that school segregation was
unlawful...In 1950, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored
People asked a group of African-American parents that included Oliver Brown to
attempt to enroll their children in all-white schools, with the expectation
that they would be turned away. Oliver attempted to do so with Linda, who was
in third grade at the time and barred from enrollment at Sumner Elementary. The
strategy was for the civil rights group to file a lawsuit on behalf of the 13
families, who represented different states.
With Brown's
name happening to alphabetically top the list of plaintiffs, the case would
come to be known as Brown v. Board of Education and be taken to the Supreme
Court. The lead attorney working on behalf of the plaintiffs was future Supreme
Court Justice Thurgood Marshall.'
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